Thursday, June 5, 2014


    Set, Setting, Dosage. This hallowed equation, gleaned from Dr. Timothy Leary, is REALLY IMPORTANT to consider when exploring altered states with shamanic / entheogenic sacraments  (and/or anything remotely constituting a "drug")........
     In The Secret Teachings of Plants : The Intelligence of the Heart in Direct Perception of Nature, author Stephen Harrod Buhner cites, "The heart is an endocrine gland. 65% of its cells are neural - the same kind as in the brain. It possesses its own nervous system, makes and releases neurotransmitters, and has its own memory." Understanding the implications of this scientific fact - that our operative intelligence is not only cerebral, but heart-centered and gut-based as well! - is a necessary prerequisite for processing our experiences with hyper-psychedelia - a.k.a. Soul Power / the Source of Creation / the Great Mystery / God / Goddess / the Glitch in the Computer Program.....
    “SET” : This is the state the three-fold intelligence of the heart, mind, and gastro-intestinal tract is in, prior to, and upon ingestion of  the sacrament.....Are we open, clear, and calm? or closed, confused, and upset? Has one fasted? (followed a diet restricting sugar, salts, fats, and alcohol?) Be honest - how "together" is one feeling? How cognizant are we of the ways in which recent karma has been unfolding?
     “Set” greatly determines the direction the journey will take. It is the seed of intention one carries beforehand (best regarded as communion with one's Higher Self, i.e. one’s Angelic Guides, towards the gaining of true wisdom and understanding). Less mindful intentions (i.e. "Fight For Your Right to PARTY!"1) may result in chaotic fun, with a random penchant for, heaven forbid, cruel tragedy.   
    Visualize a sacred altar within your body temple, upon which everything from a quick genuflect and/or a Namaste, to poems / prayers and the lighting of incense / candles / smudges in purification mode are offered. Ceremonies honoring ancestral spirits and cultural deities serve well to ensure protective blessings. The experience is "Set" by focusing inwardly on the desired outcome. 
    A certain frame (“Heads-up Self!”) created internally is of great benefit in the engagement of altered states, as psychotropic and psychedelic substances work synergistically and synchronistically within the mind, body, and spirit temple (and please be mindful of "cultish behavior" - keep idols at bay! - refresh up on the psychological terms "projection" and "transference" (unless, of course, you’re going for Full Trance Possession with your chosen Deity!)
     “Set” may refer to that of an individual checking-in, or to a group manifesting a common intent or rite. A respectful attitude-with-gratitude is key, considering you are most likely Set to become The Fool of the Tarot, accessing secret knowledge of the Universe (BLISS!) and achieving equilibrium with one-foot-over-the-precipice, whereby the knowledge of The Magician awaits.  
    Consciously bless the sacrament (A FELLOW SENTIENT BEING!) as it communes within a vessel (YOU!) of Peaceful Purpose, Willpower, and Beauty, with infinite opportunities for Self-Realization and Love!

     “SETTING” : the physical surroundings / environmental surroundings one is "IN", and one's perceptions of them...Are we safe from religious zealots, Gurus-gone-wrong, Scientologists, Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and further
biblically-challenged limitations of Heaven and Hell? (vacillating between dichotomies is schizophrenic and disturbing). 
     Are we surrounded by friends or foes? (another trick question - don't go there!) - ascertain the vibes are pleasant, and that the setting is cozy, adaptable, and makes allowance for one's freedom of thought, movement and expression. Remember : "All the world's a stage".....and we are mere cosmic coincidences divining exits and entrances. Allow EPIC and APOCALYPTIC revelations concerning your neighbors, the time, place, and machinations of destiny to subside. Relax. Simply observe. Breathe. Check your shaman's teeth and a collection of obsidian knives? Just kidding. It is wise to determine beforehand which factors in the environment are variable, random, and potentially subject to drastic change, or to invite open hostility. Seek Loving Nature with an open three-fold and All will be nurtured! "Keep up and you will be kept up!"2
   “Setting” greatly affects the Journey. Faerieland is optimal! A preferred setting for entheogenic communion, for example, is on a walk through an old-growth forest, following a stream to its source to alight in a flowering mountain meadow, or gathered-round-a-fire under the starry Milky Way, with caring friends. In group shamanic experiences, a guide is on hand to "ground" the energy; to call-in the Four Directions / elemental forces, unify purpose, and to hold sacred space free from interference or disruption. 
     The Healer (a Lost Translation of Jesus' name is "The Drugger") must demonstrate foreknowledge of, and familiarity with, the "Host". Shamanic singing from the heart appeases / exorcises Spirits, honors the Sacrament, and catalyzes healing. Offering tobacco and prayers to the Earth and Sky seals respectful intention.
     Once “Set and Setting” have been consciously engaged, with a stalwart, yet kind guardian ("designated driver") fully present, seekers may fully trance /surrender into visionary realms, resting assured they have "paid the ferryman" (helpful hint : never quibble over a shaman's fee - whatever form it takes). 
    In stark contrast, benefits seemingly accrued from recreational tripping at raves, parties or bars can double back to bite you. Remember, certain beings consider torture and pain part of the Divine Plan. If you're the type to wander alone, stoned out of your gourd, I'd suggest adding Ganesha mantras and martial arts to your repertoire (or a 6' 6" Mohawk warrior / bodyguard!).
     Patchouli and The Good Word are in abundance at Rainbow Family gatherings and Dead (Further!) shows, others dig the communal fires of Burning Man (with pitchforks!) as supreme surroundings to un-inhibit in. No rhyme or reason is set in stone, go wherever your freak flag flies high! The bottom line is trust issues tend to come up, and factor significantly in one's setting. Do not settle for less than absolute trust in, and unconditional love for, yourself, your guides, and your milieu. As Art mimics Life, it is easy to be deceived and led astray by Tricksters (who often end up providing the perfect antidote / lesson). Run with Coyote! If Life doesn't kill us, it will definitely make us stronger...bringing us to our next consideration........

     “DOSAGE” : The amount ingested of any entheogen / drug /  chemical party favor is a vital factor with dramatic consequences. Taking too high a dose can turn even the best chosen sets and settings to dust, yet dosage must be significant enough to open psychedelic "Space" - allowing the "three-fold brain" to communicate / link-up. Do not toy with dosage (or mixed drug "cocktails"). Amount intakes vary greatly for experienced practitioners and neophytes. Do not make an ego-based, go-along-with-everybody-else-and-your new, wild-eyed, shapeshifter-bf-as-your-intuition-says-otherwise, lackadaisically take-a-random-something-or-other, or unknowingly mix anti-thetical substances. 
     Again - Dope Fiend : Know Thyself! (and do your research beforehand - diet, MAO inhibitors, etc.) The purity / quality of the supply, and those administering it, make all the difference between an ecstatic, sublime Soul Victory, or an unconscious slipping through the cracks. 
     Granted, determining exact dosage is often difficult or impossible, as knowing "what-exactly-is-the-red-pill?" borders on heresy much of the time. It's best to choose reliable, reputable, and compassionate suppliers / shamans, and to proceed carefully on first time undertakings. Above all, trust in Universal Love and Light! Be prepared to fall to your knees / prostrate to the patron Saint of Fear and Loathing (Hunter S. Thompson), at some point, anyway. Howling has been known to help extreme Gonzo cases, and the Wavy Gravy / Woodstock dog-pile method for shifting stagnant energy is tried and true.  Don't forget to breathe!

     “Set, Setting, and Dosage are inter-related and inter-dynamic factors. If they are intentionally considered, there's a good chance one's trips / entheogenic journeys, and subsequent unfolding processes, will be transformational, inspiring, and if not the most amazing experiences of your life! at least semi-enjoyable and unforgettable (you WILL see unicorns!). 
    (Usually) the capacity for horror is directly proportional to our capacity for denying/prolonging it.....fortunately, we've also verified the existence of angels in the midst of face-ripping chaos.

1 "(You've Gotta) Fight For Your Right To Party!" -- The Beastie Boys
2 Yogi Bhajan

     I'd like to say I've heeded the wise parameters set above....but that'd be an outright lie. Subsequent tales will reveal a throw-caution-to-the-wind demeanor, which cleaned my clock, sprouted horns, and nearly resulted in sudden-death-overtime on numerous occasions. 
    On a similar confessional tangent, I'm embarrassed to admit entertaining dichotomies as if there was no tomorrow. On the plus side, like a cat with nine lives, somebody, or something, considerably greater than myself, always had my back, face to face, heart to heart. Guardian angels rock, ancestors rule, and possession by the Gods / discarnate entities (usually) wears off. Don't panic! It's all about light and love and shadows and fear. Tribal folk (that’s us!) have been at this since the dawn of time. It takes repeated dilated staring in the face of frightening and humbling experiences to learn to walk this talk.
    Meanwhile, here's to the folly of restless and fearless youth....Soul Warriors harnessing molten Fire and cryogenic Ice!

     Note : I've ended with an unfortunate analogy : under no circumstances do I recommend the wanton partaking of Ice, Crack Cocaine, Crystal Methedrine, or the insidious, flesh-eating, homemade Krokodil (Crocodile). The harnessing I refer to is the realization of the powers of Self-Discipline, the Will, the Nature of Reality, and One's True Self / Community. There is a great divide between the usage of natural, Goddess-given, Entheogens, for self-knowledge and spiritual communion, and the abuse of harsh, chemical catalysts on the road to speedy destruction. Danger!
     Do not be overcome by indifference via the vagaries / intricacies of Incarnate Human Flesh (abiding under the delusion / illusion of Denial). Look clearly within (A Scanner Darkly1). Taking drugs habitually may harbor a sub-conscious Death Wish. Do as I say, not as I have done (the ultimate hypocrisy)! Smile. Surrender graciously. Proceed to the nearest Self-Detainment Center.

1 A Scanner Darkly, Philip K. Dick